Quick Guide to Individual Films, Panels and Events
Join us for an incredible festival with world class films. Each of these films have been specially selected to give you a glimpse into the marvelous films that will screen this year.
Festival Schedule
Online Series
December 14th - 19th, 2021
Feature Spotlight
Foreign Puzzle
Directed by: Chithra Jeyaram
Running Time: 69m
Country: USA
Foreign Puzzle is an intimate documentary that captures the journey of an inspiring Mexican American dancer as she communicates the impermanence of life through dance while juggling the roles of a recently divorced parent of a 6-year-old, a choreographer and a primary school teacher amidst intensive treatments for breast cancer.
“A Place Among the Dead”
“Egg Party”
Shorts Block​​
Directed by: Kersti Bryan
Running Time: 10m
Country: USA
In late spring, six powerhouse women gather together in
a Brooklyn apartment for a not-so-sober egg decorating party to support one of their own struggling with fertility. As the afternoon unfolds, the strength of their laughter
and friendship creates new birth.
Directed by: Esther Maloney
Running Time: 5m
Country: Canada
As an unknown force creates a shipwreck, the children who have grown up on that ship work together to build another world.